Expert DIY Tips for Heating System Maintenance from Thompson Plumbing, Heating & AC

As the winter months approach, it’s crucial to ensure that your heating system is in top-notch condition. Whether you’re dealing with a trusty furnace or a modern heating system, regular maintenance and DIY checks can save you from costly repairs and keep your home warm and cozy. Thompson Plumbing, Heating & AC, serving Petersburg, MI, Britton, MI, Ida, MI, Dundee, MI, Lambertville, MI & Ottawa Lake, MI, shares some expert tips to help you tackle heating system maintenance like a pro.

Check and Replace Air Filters

Clogged air filters can significantly reduce the efficiency of your heating system, leading to higher energy bills and potential breakdowns. Check and replace your air filters every three months or as recommended by the manufacturer. Clean filters ensure proper airflow and optimal performance.

Inspect and Clean the Furnace Area

Dust and debris can accumulate around the furnace, posing a fire hazard and reducing efficiency. Clear the area around the furnace, and vacuum or sweep away any debris. Additionally, check the flue pipe for any obstructions or blockages that could prevent proper venting.

While professional maintenance is recommended, there are several DIY tasks you can undertake to keep your heating system running smoothly. By following these expert tips from Thompson Plumbing, Heating & AC, you can save money, extend the lifespan of your heating equipment, and enjoy a warm and comfortable home all winter long.